
Fighting the fight of faith is not optional. To win, followers of Jesus must battle against attitudes of unbelief as they become aware of them in their hearts. Making peremptory strikes to destroy any thought pattern that could turn into unbelief is especially beneficial. Where specific actions do not spring from just one sinful concept, we can battle the behavior. As David’s sling was the perfect weapon for defeating Goliath, the right weapons are necessary in order to fight the fight of faith effectively. “The Sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God,” is the indispensable weapon for achieving victory, so the “unfathomable riches” of the grace of Christ can be experienced both now and in the age to come. Promises are particularly effective portions of God’s Word for defeating attitudes and actions of unbelief, because faith looks forward to promises. Faith is the confidence about a promised future that grows out of evidence from the past that the one who made the promise can and will keep it. So the Word of God presents God’s promises; it presents evidence he can and will keep his promises; and it presents instructions for how to live in order to obtain what was promised. This blog is designed to help followers of Jesus successfully fight to maintain their faith in God by “slinging” promise pebbles at every instance of unbelief.

Click on the “Promises” tab above for meditations on Scripture texts particularly suited to overcoming specific attitudes of unbelief; or to put it positively, suited to stimulating explicit aspects of faith. Occasionally, I’ll post Q&A about a biblical text or idea, or a reprint of an essay by Dr. Daniel Fuller.


One thought on “About

  1. Looking forward to your entries

    Posted by Corky Frady | 8 December 2017, 14:09

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